Music for your ears.

Nearly every link you find on this site leads to an Mp3-file for you to download. Every track is more like a musical experiment. Just enjoy.

Minimalistic 1

Appelonato - Minimalistic

(2.35 MB - Mp3) - Hess/Thoughts Records

Drum Machine

(2.3 MB - Mp3) - Hess/Thoughts Records

Play SMP 01

(2.1 MB - Mp3) - Hess/Thoughts Records

Minimalistic 2

Dreaming I

(2.4 MB - Mp3) - Hess/Thoughts Records

Dreaming II

(2.4 MB - Mp3) - Hess/Thoughts Records

Drum Tekk

(2.8MB - Mp3) - Hess/Thoughts Records

Minimalistic 3

Hess: I just got a two months stay at Grenoble (France). What a nice city and the French girls.... charming.

The French Beauty inspired the tracks below.

Grenoble 2 (1.8 MB - Mp3)

Ein Alptraum in Aspik (A nightmare in aspic) (2.5 MB - Mp3)

Nervös (Nervous) (1.8 MB - Mp3)

Rum Fizz (I got a cold in Grenoble, Rum was the medicine I preferred) (2.2 MB - Mp3)

try one of the links left aside

©2003 Thoughts Records